Developmental Evaluation Clinic (DEC)

The Developmental Evaluation Clinic provides developmental evaluation services to babies who were born prematurely.  The babies are followed at regular intervals up until two years of age.  Most of the children followed in DEC are graduates of the MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Each baby seen in DEC will be evaluated by a team of specialists including a developmental pediatrician, clinical psychologist, and a pediatric physical therapist.  Through observation and the administration of standardized developmental assessments the child's growth and development in the cognitive, language, and motor areas is assessed.  Verbal feedback, a summary report, and recommendations are provided at the time of the assessment.  Referral to community resources is provided to families if it is determined that the child would benefit from early intervention services..

Contact Information

Colette Nester
MedStar Georgetown Pediatrics and OB/GYN at Tenleytown
4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Fourth Floor
Washington, DC 20016


Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development is a designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.